Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Group Assignment #6

Hey Everyone, here's mine, karen & shanes answer to #6 of that group assn. we did in class today.

a) Given points A(2,3) B(4,5) & C(6,-1), find an equation for the altitude from A to BC (a.k.a. the height)

Step 1: find the slope of BC so that you can get the reciprocal which will give you the perpendicular line, the altitude.

m= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
m= (-1-5)/( 6-4)
m= -6/2
m= -3

*Now flip to get the reciprocal* m=1/3

Step 2: Use the formula y=mx+b to get an equation for the altitude. Use the coordinates of A(2,3) and the slope ( 1/3)

y=mx+b (plug in the #s)
3= 1/3 (2)+ b
3= 2/3 + b

*(to get B by itself, take away 2/3 from each side); (multiply 3/1 by 3/3 to get common denominators) *

7/3 = b SO y= (1/3)x + 7/3

Everybody better post theirs, this took me a long time, haha :)




At 10:42 p.m., Blogger Miss Nicholson said...

Hey Brittany!

Looks like your math is all correct here (right on!), you just copied the question incorrectly!

Could you copy and paste this and use C (6,1) instead of C (6,-1)?

Thanks for putting some effort into this!


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